Sharing Economy – digital business models built on autonomous, shared assets

Sustainable, independent, compliant blockchains.

Initial situation

The construction business is booming and the requirements of construction companies are constantly growing. They need the most suitable machines in the right place at the right time and always fully functional. Respectively, the trend towards demand-optimized rent maintains and drives the digitalization of rental processes, because:

  • The availability of suitable machines is becoming the central parameter for growth and success.
  • The companies can not meet all its customers’ requirements on its own anymore. The importance of machine subleasing via cooperating partners is immensely increasing.
  • The manual communication and administration workload that accompanies the construction machinery subleasing is still too heavy.
  • Different systems or media disruptions are the reasons for inefficient maintenance and service processes and continue to further restrict the actual machines availability.

The goal

The industry, the construction companies and the branch representatives need a way to use digital cooperation services in a self-determined way to meet the requirements of their customers. Such cooperations should provide the full data sovereignty to their participants, whereas all their information can be shared securely, on-demand and trustworthy in real-time at any given moment of time if needed.

The solution

The Business Blockchain (powered by EPN) allows the development of digital cooperation solutions that are 100% neutral and 100% reliable. The machines and all their data are made digitally available via Digital Identities and therefore become part of digital processes. They enable the seamless integration of partner resources into their added value.

By doing so, companies can generate attractive offers far beyond their own services. The clear identification of a machine and its always available tamper-proof digital service and machine history enable faster maintenance work and increase the availability of the machine and its resale value.

Use at a glance

  • Efficient work processes due to digital contracts: Elimination of media disruptions and saving manual work steps in the rental.
  • Machines are made available as Digital Identities: they become part of the digital processes; furthermore, machine data, performance features, and availability can be shared between cooperation partners in a standardized manner.
  • Increase in the machines’ availability due to accelerating necessary service and maintenance activities.

  • Tamper-proof machine history and unambiguous identifiability increase maintenance quality and resale value.
  • Self-determined use of digital collaboration services makes it possible, to maintain the data sovereignty and share the digital information securely, on-demand, and trustworthy.
  • Direct integration of partner resources into own processes in order to create attractive offers for the customers that go far beyond our own services.

best bractice: de:rental – decentralized 
cooperation in construction machine rental

The de:rental initiative is created for machine lessors, manufacturers and ERP systems in the industry of work and construction machinery. It is enabled by a blockchain-based solution on the (powered by EPN) blockchain. Every single machine receives a Digital Identity with all the important information about it and is, therefore, a foundation for the completely digital transaction management.

In the first step, the handover processes are digitized. The condition of a machine can now be digitally documented by a dispatcher, a workshop, a logistician or the customer and then saved and unalterably stored in the machine’s Digital Identity.

In the second step, the Digital Identity provides the availability of the machine so that it can be easily exchanged between the partners when needed. This means that external machines can be integrated into the platform just as quickly and easily as it happens with the company’s machines today.